
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Making Allowances

For last weeks reading, we were talking about allowances. As buddies, we had to use our knowledge and discuss what allowances are. Right here, Neko and I, has created a D.L.O talking about what we've done for reading from last week. Here is our work and I hope you enjoy!


Monday, April 8, 2019


Comment Of The Week!

It always makes me fell happy when I comment on others blogs. I hope it makes them happy too. Whose commented on anyones blog yet? Anyways, have a nice week everyone!

He Aha Te Nama Waia?

Have You Tried Translating A Video Before?

W.A.L.T write action as a first person narrative.
In my group for writing lessons, we had to translate a video and try remember what
had happend and write what had happend in the video calle 'the lighthouse'.
If yould like to watch the video, here is the link: The Lighthouse

Fairy Tale: The Lighthouse

I was working at a table, inattentive to the village cheering and celebrating. I shut the
window so I wouldn’t have to hear the loud noise. Suddenly, the window had opened again
and blew out my candle. I heard a loud noise that was unlikely heard. Out of nowhere,
the lighthouse has unexpectedly turned off, as if it was broken. The villagers had stopped
cheering, and the village was all quite.I quickly ran up stairs to see what was happening.
“Uhh”. I gasped. “What had happened”. I thought in my head. I grabbed my tool box and
laid it on the ground. I swifted across to the main light and opened its door.
“There’s nothing wrong with it”. I thought in my head once again. Surprisingly, a boat
hurried along the sea to get to shore. I hesitated, and so I rapidly took off the light
and walk to the working table. I was rushing too much and there I was, over on the floor,
afflicted by the tool box I put down earlier. I lingered, trying to find a solution to help
me fix this problem. Then an idea came to my mind, I hurried down the stairs and
scrambled down to the village. I opened the door to the building, one by one. We
gathered around the lighthouse and used our candle lights as a signal for the ship to
go to shore safely before it crashed through the rocks. It all ended here with a safe
and sound ship and a nice helpful village.