Why A Marae Special For Its Community
A marae is vital for the community so people are able to learn about their
heritage. A marae can be used for many occasions such as tangihanga,
education, and also celebrations. A marae is crucial as it was brought dow
from our ancestors and tupuna so that the citizens of New Zealand are
able to have connections within a marae. A marae holds many things such
as history and culture so that we are able to learn about a marae and how
its important to the community.
heritage. A marae can be used for many occasions such as tangihanga,
education, and also celebrations. A marae is crucial as it was brought dow
from our ancestors and tupuna so that the citizens of New Zealand are
able to have connections within a marae. A marae holds many things such
as history and culture so that we are able to learn about a marae and how
its important to the community.
One of the main reasons why a marae is special for the community is how
it could be used for tangihanga. The tangihanga is the enduring Maori
ceremony where people express their love and gratitude towards the loved
one who has passed away. It is very important that tangihanga are held
at a marae because it creates a sense of belonging. Countries around the
world would maybe use churches and even funneral homes to have their t
angi’s. The Maori culture including other race’s don’t have to use a church
or funeral home because lucky for us, we have a marae to use. It is
dominant for us to have a marae to use for tangihanga from or ancestors
and tupuna.
it could be used for tangihanga. The tangihanga is the enduring Maori
ceremony where people express their love and gratitude towards the loved
one who has passed away. It is very important that tangihanga are held
at a marae because it creates a sense of belonging. Countries around the
world would maybe use churches and even funneral homes to have their t
angi’s. The Maori culture including other race’s don’t have to use a church
or funeral home because lucky for us, we have a marae to use. It is
dominant for us to have a marae to use for tangihanga from or ancestors
and tupuna.
Additionally, a marae is also unique for the Maori culture as it could be
used for educational learning about the cultural artifacts. How it could be
useful for education is how the carvings were made and the information
behind it, the Maori language and how its spoken in the marae, and when
and how the marae was first created. It is essential to learn about the
history behind the marae because of how it is significant for those who
like to learn about their whakapapa. You may as well learn about your tupuna
and ancestors and how they were brought up in a marae. It is important
that people are able to learn about their heritage and learn about the
cultural artifacts and the information behind them.
used for educational learning about the cultural artifacts. How it could be
useful for education is how the carvings were made and the information
behind it, the Maori language and how its spoken in the marae, and when
and how the marae was first created. It is essential to learn about the
history behind the marae because of how it is significant for those who
like to learn about their whakapapa. You may as well learn about your tupuna
and ancestors and how they were brought up in a marae. It is important
that people are able to learn about their heritage and learn about the
cultural artifacts and the information behind them.
A marae is also furthermore useful for celebrations that are celebrated
such as birthday parties and even tribal events. These occasions are great
to use in a marae as they are times to hang out and spend time with the
family and having an enjoyable time. It is a way to celebrate and
commemorate with each other by having some type of relationship.
Most of the time, us as Maori celebrate tribal events by expressing
ourselves, which is very important for those who enjoy spending time
celebrating what their ancestors and tupuna done in the past. Around the
world, they celebrate birthdays and other events which then is done and
dusted as for Maori, we commemorate with each other by celebrating
events for maybe a couple of days and that's how we celebrate birthdays
and other events.
such as birthday parties and even tribal events. These occasions are great
to use in a marae as they are times to hang out and spend time with the
family and having an enjoyable time. It is a way to celebrate and
commemorate with each other by having some type of relationship.
Most of the time, us as Maori celebrate tribal events by expressing
ourselves, which is very important for those who enjoy spending time
celebrating what their ancestors and tupuna done in the past. Around the
world, they celebrate birthdays and other events which then is done and
dusted as for Maori, we commemorate with each other by celebrating
events for maybe a couple of days and that's how we celebrate birthdays
and other events.
To sum it all up, people are able to know and have the knowledge to learn
about their heritage and how a marae is special for their community. It
is used for tangihanga so the people are able to have somewhere to express
their love and gratitude towards their loved one who may have passed away.
It could be used for learning about the educational artifacts such as
carvings, how the Maori language is spoken in the marae, and also when
the marae was first created and the information behind it. Last but not
least, it is used for the importance of how it could be used for celebrations
and tribal events and how people commemorate with each other. This is how
a marae is special for its community.
This is my own scoring that I thought I should have
about their heritage and how a marae is special for their community. It
is used for tangihanga so the people are able to have somewhere to express
their love and gratitude towards their loved one who may have passed away.
It could be used for learning about the educational artifacts such as
carvings, how the Maori language is spoken in the marae, and also when
the marae was first created and the information behind it. Last but not
least, it is used for the importance of how it could be used for celebrations
and tribal events and how people commemorate with each other. This is how
a marae is special for its community.
This is my own scoring that I thought I should have