Hello everyone! This is a writing of mine. This is a explanation writing. It is my writing about staying healthy and not drink acidic drinks. I writ it because I wanted to get people to not drink acidic and sugary drinks. So what I found hard about this writing was using good detail and using great punctuation. I think I was successful because I used subheading to help my readers on what the paragraph is all about.
I hope you enjoy reading my story!!!
W.A.L.T use subheadings to focus my paragraphs and supported detail
Stay Healthy, Stay Hydrated
At Tautoro School we are doing the Water Challenge. The challenge is to switch our sugary drinks to water for 30 days! Why would anyone want to drink water for 30 days? Well, I am going to explain why sugary drinks are harmful to our health.
Dangers of acid
My first reason is that sugary drinks has hidden dangers of acid in it. What is acid? Well, acid is a chemical that dissolves food in your stomach; it will or can dissolve teeth. Manufacturers don’t really tell us how much acid there is in sugary drinks. This can cause erosion. Erosion is like dissolving wich acid does and like wearing away, grinding down and scraping down. So erosion is dissolving teeth, right? And can give you body diseases. There is a scale called a pH scale. A pH scale is a scale that measures how much acid there is in sugary drinks. This is bad!
Health problems
Another reason is that sugar can lead to health problems. It also can make you gain weight and lead to obese. How you might ask? Well, there is something called calories. Calories is the sugar that is in a sugary drink. People don’t realise that how much calories they’re having a day. Well, to bad, it’s time you will. Obesity and gaining weight is one of the health problems. This is a really bad thing in life. Why? Like I said, it will lead to health problems, it’s forcing you to gain weight; it will also make you an obese person. For example, you can get diabetes and eat certain foods. You don’t want that right? Well, that’s why you and myself, shouldn’t do this.
In conclusion, the reason why we should switch our sugary drinks to water is because there is acid in drinks and it will also lead to health problems. Added to this, you should not eat or drink to much of the acidity stuff in drinks; just eat or drink a certain amount. So switch your sugary drinks to WATER!!!
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