
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Art Deco

Art Deco

Hi guys, today i'll be talking to you about and why I rate this painting out of 5. So 1 means, terrible painting, 2 means, pretty bad painting, 3 means, okay painting, 4 means good painting and 5 gives amazing painting.

So I rate this painting a 5 because it has great detail in it and it looks realistic. The color of the car looks really amazing as well, it looks metallic. Also, the painting of the lady in there looks awesome as it looks like its real. Why and how could this be a terrible painting? See if you can answer that question.

So that is it all for this post and i'll see or hear from you guys later. BYYY!!! Zephaniah

Monday, January 8, 2018

How Many Family Members Do You Have In Your Family?

Hello everyone,

Today i'll be talking to you about how I would feel if I was in a large family. How would you feel?

Well, actually i'm in a family of nine, including my parents. It is sometimes hard to be in a family of that much but I get use to it. As you can see in my last post, my siblings are in there. So there are seven of us. I really do enjoy being in a large family because it's more of us to hang out with. And that is why.

So I hope you enjoyed and i'll hear from you guys next time.

See you later!

- Zephaniah

Thursday, January 4, 2018

What Kind Of Song Do You Like?

Hi guys,
Today i'll be sharing what my favorite song is, tell you the name of the song, who wrote it and write
the lyrics to you. I hope you enjoy!
So the name of this song is "All I Ever Need". The person who wrote it was Austin Mahone. And
here is the lyrics. Feel free to sing it. The lyrics is there for you to know the words to the song.

Don't the water grow the trees
Don't the moon pull the tide
Don't the stars light the sky
Like you need to light my life
If you need me anytime
You know I'm always right by your side
And see I've never felt this love
You're the only thing that's on my mind
You don't understand how much you really mean to me
I need you in my life, you're my necessity yeah
But believe me you're everything that just makes my world complete
And my love is clear the only thing that I'll ever see
You're all I ever need
Baby you're amazing
You're my angel come and save me
You're all I ever need
Baby you're amazing
You're my angel come and save me A-aaaa

What Is Your Favorite Car Out Of These Three?

Which car do you like? Well, today i'll be talking about my favorite car and why. Lets get started. So, the car I like out of these three cars is the flying car.

Why? Because it looks really awesome. It's awesome because it flies of coarse, but what I like about it is that it looks like a Lamborghini and there are flying things on the side of the flying car. The photo by it's self looks really mind blowing but I don't think it's real. The speed in the photo also looks realistic, it makes me want to go inside it. I like the color of it too.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

What Do You Think That Will Happen In 80 Years Time?

What will happen in 80 years time

Here is a question for you guys, do you know what will happen in 80 years time? Well, if you don't, i'm here to tell you all about it.

So the answer to this question is very simple,and very easy. In 80 years time it will be completely different, in my research and what I already know is that in 80 years time, buildings and other this will have changed. Why? Because whats happening now is called global warming, this is why things will change past these years. I've read a book that said what will happen in 80 years time, it had great information in it, one of them were what will happen if global warming keeps doing this and how the world is going to change. It said, crocodiles will appear into the sea, the country will be different if we are not doing anything about it and why this is happening. I hope you enjoyed this little message and I will hear from you guys next time.

See you later
- Zephaniah

Whats Your Imaginable Classroom?

So this is a class that I would like to decorate and get it done nicely. In real life it might look awesome.

This picture of my decorated classroom includes:

  • Desks
  • A mat
  • Art work on the wall
  • And also a book shelf
So those where my things that I will include in my imaginable classroom. So that is all for today that I will like 

to show you and I will see you guys all next time.
See you later!

Created by,

- Zephaniah 

The Moana Story


So everyone knows that Moana is one most popular movie right? I think it is. If you still have not seen the movie yet and want to see it now, go to SKY TV on demand, but about that I will be telling you what the movie is about. Please don't think that i'm giving away the best parts, i'm just telling you what the movie is all about. Thank you!

Moana, this movie is created for the  ancestors who in the past like Maui, the demi god of the wind and sea. The movie contains Moana, a girl who loves the sea and wants to go out through the berya reef. Then a black storm as Maui stole the heart of Tepheti and then she became a lava monster, JACCA! A lava monster that through's lava balls to anyone who wants to go through the monster. After that Maui and Jacca fought then Maui over handed his hook to Jacca the flew away across the sea left alone without his hook. Straight after that years went by. Some more of the story got along but at the end, him and Moana tried to restore the heart of Tepheti as Maui stole it, but then they were struggleing because Jacca was to strong for them to go through, and after that, Moana go through safely. As she went through the sea on her boat she went to the island of Tepheti but she noticed that she wasn't there. She looked behind her shoulder and looked at Jacca and found the chest where the heart goes on the lava monster. But then, Moana sang a song and told the sea to go up like in the story Moses, and told Jacca to come to me. So the lava monster went to Moana and calmed down. Then Moana placed the heart into the chest, and she became Tepheti again. After that, the story then ended with some little touches, but Moana arrived home safely. THE END

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My Photo

So as you guys all know that I'm really not doing anything because this is a photo of my family. This photo is a memory to show that when I grow older, I will remember this photo as we took a family photo together. So tell me, what what photo in your life that you remember the most? Well, this is my one.

I hope you like this photo with my family and I will see you guys net time.

See you guys later!

Created by,

- Zephaniah Emile

Do You Know Tango Dance?

Dance Of Tango

Do you know tango dance? Well, I don't. If you don't know as well, I will talk to you about who created the dance, and in which country originated it.

Tango dance was originated in 1880s. Tango dance is usually an Argentine dance. So the tango dance was created in Argentine and Uruguay but who was it that made the dance up? I don't know but in my research, I found out that a man and women made it up but the names I didn't know. So sorry I did not know and write it down. So that is all I know about tango dance and I will hear from you guys next time,

See you later!

Monday, January 1, 2018

What Do You Do On Birthday Occasions?

How we celebrate birthdays!

So what do you do and how do you celebrate your birthday or your siblings birthday? Well, hold it in because today i'll be talking to you about how I celebrate birthdays.

On special occasions such as birthday's, I mostly go out for my birthday and have dinner and celebrate my birthday there. I also get presents, do you? That's a normal thing for peoples birthdays, isn't it? So basically, like I said, we go out and have dinner, we also spend time with the family and have fun. Like this year on my birthday, we had so much fun, I spent time with my brothers, sisters and mum and dad. I only see them two times in the holidays because me and my family have little bits of complications, but it's alright. Lets get back to talking about how I celebrate birthdays shall we, so that is it as we go out for dinner, seek through presents and spend family time together.

I hope you enjoyed and I will hear from you guys next time,


Created using blog post, just kidding. You get, I copied powtoon as they say at the end, "Created using powtoon".

Created by Zephaniah